Type of stop and bevel of the front per segment

Determines the type of stop of a door within a segment and whether it is beveled or straight drawn in an inclined cabinet. it is a multifield with five spaces-separated values for each segment u to o

The type of stop is entered with the following characters:

  • a – Impactful
  • g – Striking and not beveled (gerade)
  • s – Intermediate, with pages visible
  • b – Intermediate, with sides and floors visible
  • m – Intermediate, with pages and center pages visible
  • z – Intermediate, with intermediate floors visible

In the case of an inclined cabinet, the fronts are automatically bevelled, unless the stop type g is specified. Intermediate beats are always bevelled.

Example: Front stop type/abschrg U->Og s s s s s

This sequence of characters means that in segment U the front is drawn open and straight. The overlying segments are all intersecting and bevelled (if it is an inclined cabinet).

The field also complements itself automatically. If you enter e.g. mb , all fronts of the segments are drawn intersecting with visible middle sides and floors. The field is supplemented as follows: Front Anschlagart/Abschrg U-Obm> bm bm bm bm

Front Strength

Here, the strength of the front can be set with successive values for each segment from bottom to top. The value also applies to several fronts within a segment created by a horizontal or vertical subdivision.

Front Joint

Here, the joints (left, right, top, bottom as well as horizontal and vertical) of a front can be adjusted with successive values. Left, right, top and bottom refer to the joint to the outside of the body. The value for horizontal and vertical defines the joint dimension of the front between two above/next to each other fronts. On top of each other (horizontally) then also across segments.

Front front spacing

Here, the distance of the front to the front of the body can be set with successive values for each segment from bottom to top. Opening doors move forward, interlocking doors further to the rear.

Addition to the front joint horizontally

Here, with successive values for each segment from bottom to top, an addition to the width of the joints on the left and right side of the front can be set. A positive value here means an addition to the joint or a dimension, a negative value thus increases the front.

If the value is not explicitly marked for left or right, it is halved and split. This explicit assignment is made with the control characters U and O for bottom and top. No space may be used within the composite value of a segment.


Front addition horizontal U->O20 L20 R20 R-20 L20R-30This sequence of characters means that in the segment …

  • Below the front a total dimension of 20, i.e. divided 10 on the left and right side
  • Middle Bottom a dimension of the side of 20
  • Center center a dimension of the right side of 20
  • Center Top an addition of 20 on the right side
  • Above a dimension of 20 on the left and an addition of 30 on the right side


Addition to the front joint vertically

Here, with successive values for each segment from bottom to top, an addition to the width of the adjacent joints above and below the front can be set. A positive value here means an addition to the joint or a dimension, a negative value thus increases the front.

If the value is not explicitly marked for Top or Bottom, it is halved and split. The explicit assignment works as with the horizontal front joint, only with the control characters U and O for bottom and top instead of L and R. No space may be used within the composite value of a segment.

Open display of fronts

Fronts can be displayed segment-by-segment open.

This is given as an integer in degrees for doors or in percent for roller blinds and sliding doors.

Example: Front open in percent U->O15 0 0 0 0

This sequence of characters means that in segment U the front is open 15°. For roller blinds or sliding doors, 15% of the door height.

Symbol Name Handle

Here, a symbol name for the handle can be specified with consecutive values for each segment from bottom to top. If several different values are specified, they must be separated by a vertical line.

Distance of the handle to the front horizontally

Here, with consecutive values for each segment from bottom to top, a lateral distance for the handle to the outside of the front can be specified. Whether this is measured from the left or right depends on the grip position.

Distance of the handle to the front vertically

Here, with consecutive values for each segment from bottom to top, a vertical distance for the handle to the outside of the front can be specified. Whether this is measured from above or below depends on the grip position.

Frieze width of the frame door

Here, the width of the frame friezes left, right, top and bottom can be specified with successive values in the front version frame door.

Filling of the frame door

Here, the thickness of the filling in the front version frame door and the distance of the back of the filling from the trailing edge of the frame can be specified with consecutive values.

Fold of the filling of a frame door

Here, the fold height and depth of the filling in the front version frame door can be specified with successive values.

Number of rungs of a frame door

Here, the number of rungs horizontally and vertically as well as the continuous rung in the front version frame door can be specified with three consecutive values. The third character indicates which rung passes through: Vertikal or Horizontal

For the horizontal rungs, it is possible here to specify a value for each rung one after the other, which defines your distance from the lower edge of the front to the center of the rung.

Dimensions of the rungs of a frame door

Here, the width, thickness and distance from the rear of the rungs in the front version frame door can be specified with three consecutive values.