Exporting the drawing to ElementsCAM


With this command, it is possible to transfer components of a cabinet to the CAM software ElementsCAM , which is available for Windows.

Delete helper layers after export?

For the export CAM, the auxiliary levels “Export CAM” and sometimes also the level “CAM Data” are created. If this checkbox is selected, these auxiliary layers are deleted after the export. If you want to keep the layers, deactivate the check mark.

Creating a View Layer

This function creates an additional layer “Export CAM (Views)”, in which the exported parts are clearly displayed.

Create “CAM Data” level (no export)

If this option is selected, only a level “CAM Data” is created, an export file is not output.

Export Active Layer

If this option is selected, no further level “CAM Data” is created. Select this option if you are already at the CAM Data level. Use this option to make changes at the active level that you want to take into account when exporting CAM.

Export free parts

Select this option if you want to output free parts such as extrusion solids or contours. Normally, these components are already correctly rotated along the X-axis in the “2D plan view” view.

No export

In this column, you can select components that are not to be exported. Drawers, shelves or rear walls are often selected here, provided that these components themselves have no processing or are manufactured externally…

Export of both sides

In this column, you can select components that are to be exported on both sides. In most cases, intermediate floors or middle sides are selected here. In this case, two files are created for these components in ElementsCAM, because normally CNC machines do not provide direct, double-sided machining.

Open ElementsCAM

If this option is selected, the ElementsCAM application is started directly after exiting the dialog. If the checkbox is not selected, a CNC output is still generated. The file formats selected in ElementsCAM (e.g.DXF, MPR) are generated automatically.

Delete all helper layers

If this button is clicked, all help layers are deleted. This function is used for better clarity, especially if several export operations have already been performed, the number of such CNC auxiliary levels can swell.